Get With The Program


Wow! The events of the past few weeks have me looking for a place to rest and gather my thoughts. I am sure that many of you feel the same way. Since my last newsletter school has started for most of our children and grandchildren. Shopping for clothes and supplies and getting up in time to prepare it all and get to school and work on time has left some of us feeling a little flummoxed. I envy (not in a bad way) those who seem to have it all together – their children all neat and orderly, always on time and organized. How do they do it???

I ran into such a friend the other day. Her youngest son and my grandson were attending the same extracurricular activity. We hadn’t seen each other in quite some time, so we had a lot of catching up to do. She has 4 children attending 3 different schools. They are all involved in school sports and various activities outside of school. In addition, her family had taken in one of her older son’s friends from school last year. He asked to stay over after practice one night… three months later he was still there. I asked her how in the world she kept everything straight. She smiled and flashed her phone at me. “We’re all on the same program”, she said. “Everyone has access, everyone logs their activities and requirements, we jot down our notes, and everyone checks the program daily (and more often during the hectic times) to ensure we are all on track.” That’ll preach!

God has provided a means for us to keep on track, and it is readily available (in multiple formats) for most of us in the free world. His Word is full of instructions and guidelines. There are scriptures that provide comfort in times of trouble or distress, songs for joy and for mourning, letters of encouragement from fellow followers of Christ who have experience and wisdom to share. Everyone has access to this wonderful resource… now if we would just prioritize it high enough to ensure that we read it daily – more often during the hectic times. Our lives would surely go smoother. Daily Bible reading and prayer do not make the troubles go away. They don’t keep us from hardships and heartbreak. However, they do make us stronger and more able to forge through. And if we are fortunate enough to have friends and loved ones, brothers and sisters in Christ, who journey with us, who also “check the program daily” then we are truly blessed. They help us, and we help each other to stay on track.

Are you busy, tired, confused, or floating aimlessly waiting for the next big thing to happen? I know of a “program” that can help you be more successful and live more abundantly. Give me a call, drop me a text, or shoot me a message. I’ll help you get on the program, and we can help each other stay on track.

“Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2a

Be a blessing and be blessed!

Pastor Charla


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